Preekverwysing uit Sondag, 18 Augustus se preek: Ons wonder oor jou…deur Pieter Roeloffse –

God’s multidimensional movement and invitation to join Him

  • Redemptive work — God saving and reconciling, 
  • Creative work — God fashioning the physical and human world
  • Providential work — God providing and sustaining humans and creation and their need for wholeness
  • Justice work  God maintain, promote and speaking out for justice
  • Compassionate work — God comforting, healing, caring, guiding
  • Revelatory work — God enlighten with truth, insight and understanding.

Robert Banks, Faith Goes to Work, Wipf and Stock Publishers, Eugene Oregon, 1999

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Redemptive Work

God’s saving activity, reconciling “all things, whether in heaven or in earth” (Col 1:19-20)

• whenever anyone speaks up for God

• “prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks” (1 Peter 3:15)

• employment that possesses a redemptive dimension

• examples: evangelists, apologists, church founders, counsellors, social workers, engaging in negotiating an end to hostilities, mediating divorce cases and other disputes, resolving neighbourhood or racial conflicts, screenwriters/producers committed to developing redemptive motifs

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Creative Work

God’s work began long before the incarnation. God’s fashioning the physical and human world, the novel and surprising ways God shapes historical and future events. God continues to work in the world partly through human creative work.

• examples: arts, musicians, painters, sculptors, writers,  lm makers, crafts, craft persons such as: potter, metalworker, weaver, knitter, stonemason, carpenter, builder, and architect, or gardening and landscape, interior design, urban planning

• activity with touch of originality or creativity, including homemakers, of ce workers and factory hands who have found ways to grace work with creative touch.

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Providential Work

Full range of what God brings, gives, and supplies to us. All that God does to maintain the universe and human life in an orderly and beneficial fashion. Conserving, sustaining, replenishing, daily provider.

• examples: bureaucracies run society, public utility workers, entrepreneurs building businesses and creating jobs, Service occupations and trades which supply and support

and remedy problems, civil servant, housing inspector, trash collector, cab, bus driver, garage mechanic, builder, janitors,

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Justice Work

Giving people their fair and equal redress or due.

• examples: legislators, government regulators, judges and attorneys, supervisors, para-legal workers, social activists, minority advocates, consumer protectors, people who apply equitable rules, seek to avoid discrimination, adopt an afirmative action approach.

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Compassionate Work

Showing compassion, as seen in divinely appointed “servant” described by the prophets (Isaiah 40-55)

• examples: helping professions ranging from doctors, nurses, paramedics, psychologists, therapists, community workers, home visitors, personnel directors, welfare agents, or like work within the home.

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Revelatory Work

God as the one who enlightens others about the truth. Revealing, enlightening, educating activity of God that seeks to bring truth and wisdom to others.

• Examples: preachers, professors, teachers, writers, commentators, journalists, parents, humorists, cartoonists.