AMEN | Ons daaglikse brood

Wat het jy brood-nodig? Hoe lyk “Gee ons vandag ons daaglikse brood” as ‘n raamwerk vir ‘n gebed oor al ons behoeftes, begeertes en verlange? N.T Wright skryf hieroor: “But God knows our desires in order that we may turn them into prayer; in order that they may be sorted out, straightened out, untangled and reaffirmed. If we truly pray this prayer, with due weight to each clause, we are taking the first steps from the chaos of our normal interior life towards an order and clarity which will let the joy come through to the surface.” Kom ontrafel jou behoeftes en begeertes deur vandag saam met ons te bid “Gee ons vandag ons daaglikse brood.”


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